Haodong Duan 段浩东

Haodong Duan is a postdoctoral researcher at Shanghai AI Lab, working on the evaluation of large language models and multi-modality models. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Multimedia Laboratory @ CUHK in 2023, supervised by Professor Dahua Lin. During his Ph.D., he works on human-centric action understanding, including video classification, skeleton-based action recognition, pose estimation. Before joining MMLAB, he received his B.S. degree in data science at Peking University in 2019. His research interests include video recognition, human-centric action understanding, and multi-modality learning. You can find his CV here.

Our team is hiring full-time researchers / engineers and interns. If you are interested, don’t hesitate to contact duanhaodong@pjlab.org.cn.


Professional Activities

  • Conference Reviewer: ICCV[21-23], AAAI[22-25], CVPR[22-24], ECCV[22-24], NeurIPS[22-24], WACV23, ICML23, ICLR[23-24], EuroGraphics23, etc.
  • Journal Reviewer: TPAMI, IJCV, TIP, PR, TMM, etc.